Visual Explanations


To ensure stakeholders are in a position to make timely, informed and sound decisions when faced with complex information.

To clearly communicate complex qualitative or quantitative information so it is easily understood by all.


Complex ideas communicated with clarity, precision and efficiency.

Innovative ideas, compelling strategies and coherent plans often come about when information is viewed in a new way.


The consultative process of creating the visual explanations with the client leads to:

  • Improved client communications
  • Shared understanding
  • Informed decision making
  • Team alignment
  • Clarity and focus
  • Problem solved


Burdon Torzillo and their design team work to the principle ‘maximum information for minimum ink’ and strive to design simple and elegant explanations of complex concepts and information.

Features of our design process and visual explanations include;

  • Complex and multivariate data on single expressive layouts.
  • Our process is flexible, responsive and evolves with the client.
  • Complexity simplified without being ‘simplistic’.
  • Client and BT design team work as one.
  • Participatory consultative processes.


Visual explanations have been designed for a broad range of clients:

  • Art centres
  • Business and enterprises
  • Community groups
  • Health services
  • Housing organisations
  • Joint ventures
  • Land councils
  • Government agencies




‘Burdon Torzillo's capacity and skill with 'Visual Explanations' and 'Talking Paper' learning and development methodologies is exemplary' 
Wayne Munster, Senior Training Officer, NSW Aboriginal Land Council
'Their work opens our eyes and expands our minds'
Owen Burton, Chair, APY Land Council