To develop sound, practical and usable plans that deliver positive sustainable outcomes and meet your needs in complex, dynamic and challenging environments.
BT use a proactively facilitated process that engages stakeholders in developing their own strategic solutions. This crystallises the vision and strategic intent, clarifies desired outcomes and identifies optimum strategies.
Sound, practical and realistic plans, ‘living documents’, engage the user, clearly and concisely telling the story. KPI monitoring tools and report templates make performance reporting to Boards’ on progress and outcomes simple.
An environment of mutual respect and trust underpins our methodology, this maximises participation and genuine ownership, draws out innovative solutions and delivers optimum results.
The resulting best practice plans ensure:
- board and management aligned with a shared purpose
- improved effectiveness and efficiencies
- optimum use of resources
- an outcome focused team
- targeted implementation, monitoring and reporting
- increased opportunities for income generation
Features of our process and the finished plans are:
- Outcome focused planning
- Engaging, expertly facilitated workshops.
- Visual explanations illustrate key concepts.
- Integrated clear, concise action plans.
- Targeted KPIs, monitoring and reporting tools.
- ‘Plan on a page’ focused executive summary.
Comprehensive Content
Completed plans include; guiding principles, vision, strategies, the plan, governance and management, strategic alliances, SWOT, marketing, risk, budgets, action plans, monitoring and KPIs.
BT Plans are for
- Art centres
- Aboriginal Land Councils
- Business and enterprises
- Community organisations
- Health services
- Land owners and National Parks
- Local Government
- Not for profit sector
- Service delivery agents