The Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations (ORIC)


How to enable Indigenous Corporations and members to easily understand, update and write their corporate rules effectively and efficiently with minimal assistance.

The rules must meet their individual needs and comply with the CATSI Act.

The solution was prepared in conjunction with the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations.


BT and ORIC designed

  • An illustrated question and answer ‘Let’s design our rule book’. This is also produced as a set of posters for group work, participants use this to revise or write their rules. This guides the user through the process and collects sufficient information for their new rules to be prepared.
  • An illustrated summary template ‘Our new rule book’. This is amended to accurately reflect the corporation’s rules to assist in clearly presenting rules to members and in future training sessions.

ORIC assisted with technical advice and guided the design process and the content. Rob and Max from BT completed the designs, it was a great team effort.


The completed ‘Our new rule book’ is concise at only 11 pages including the graphics and is easy to use.

BT have used this with many clients with great success the process can be completed in a one day workshop.

The benefits of the project included:

  • Our clients have a easy to use and ORIC supported tool and process.
  • Clients have a training and orientation asset for new directors.
  • Turnaround time from workshop to rules is only a few days.
  • New ORIC approved rules often in a week or so.
  • Our clients now have a 'Do It Yourself' rule design kit.



'We completed the redesign of rules for three corporations in one fun day'.
Chris Wilkens, CEO Kundat Djaru, Ringers Soak.