Northern Territory Film Office:

Facilitation of the ‘Creating Vision’ workshop


Develop a clarified and shared vision for the development of the NT Indigenous Film Industry focused on better livelihoods and culture.


BT were invited to facilitate a 2 day workshop at Hamilton Downs Station near Alice Springs, about 50 participants most of whom were Aboriginal film makers from all over the Territory attended.

Proactive facilitation techniques were used including ‘talking paper’, group work and interactive graphics and ‘mind mapping’.

The techniques maximised participation especially with those with English as a second language. It was a great 2 days enjoyed by all.


A brief illustrated report called ‘Creating Vision’ and a film were produced as a result of the workshop.

The workshop and report enabled Indigenous film makers to have direct influence over the future of Indigenous Film and Media in the NT.

Since and as a result of the workshop, considerable extra funding has been sourced for Indigenous NT Film makers.

5 new short films have been created by Indigneous film makers that were aired on ABC TV in September 2008 as a dircet result of this workshop.



‘BT did a terrific job facilitating 'Creating Vision', a two day NT Indigenous film makers conference. BT's practical methods gained the confidence and involvement of all participants. their facilitation assisted us in getting strategic input into plans for future of the Indigenous screen industry of the NT.'
Penelope McDonald, Director, Northern Territory Film Office